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The tabernacle of the Creator






The Holy name of God




What do you think of my HOUSE?
I am not impressed!This is not what I expected!One little happy camper JESUS!!WOW this is awesome!OMG I LOVE IT!

Millennial Kingdom of God
Kingdom of heaven on Earth

2 Peter 1:11
For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour
Jesus Christ.


Millennial Kingdom of God
Kingdom of heaven on Earth

Dear guests of the Kingdom of Heaven,


Here are the expansions, in order of the original letter:


  1. The Kingdom of Heaven does not appear the way you wish it to be. The Kingdom of Heaven is not what you say it is. The Kingdom of Heaven was not designed by you, nor created by you. The Kingdom of Heaven does not appear the way you like it to be, but rather how the Most High has willed it to be!

    Expansion: The Kingdom of Heaven operates according to divine principles and a higher will that transcends human understanding. It is not subject to our desires, interpretations, or expectations. The Kingdom exists beyond our control and comprehension, manifesting according to the sovereign will of the Most High, who has ordained it according to His perfect plan. Our human perspective is limited, and we must recognize that the divine reality often surpasses our earthly wishes and perceptions.

  2. This House was built to give glory to the Creator's name, for it is His House. Remember, I said when I return, I will rebuild the tabernacle of David. Well, this tabernacle is the House I said I would rebuild, which is the House of the LORD, the House of my Heavenly Father—a House of many mansions, which I said I would prepare. For when I left, I came here to prepare such a House so that where I am, you could be with me also.

    Expansion: The House mentioned here is not merely a physical structure but a spiritual dwelling place that reflects the divine presence and glory of God. The "tabernacle of David" symbolizes the restoration of God’s covenant with His people, a place where the divine and human realms intersect. This House is not just a building but represents the fulfillment of a divine promise—a place of refuge, communion, and eternal fellowship with the Creator. The "many mansions" signify the abundant and varied spaces in this spiritual realm, prepared for all who seek and follow the divine path. It’s an invitation to dwell in unity with the divine, not just in the afterlife, but as part of a present spiritual reality.

  3. But who was I speaking to? I was speaking to my disciples, the ones who forsook everything for me and the gospel's sake—the ones who forsook all that they owned and all that they loved so they could become disciples and follow me!

    Expansion: The call to discipleship is profound and requires complete devotion. It’s not just about following teachings but involves a total surrender of one’s life, priorities, and affections. The disciples referred to here are those who have made radical commitments to the spiritual path, leaving behind their former lives to fully embrace the mission and teachings of the gospel. This forsaking of all for the sake of the gospel is a sign of true discipleship—an unwavering dedication to spiritual truth and the pursuit of the Kingdom of Heaven above all else.

  4. Now I have made it easier than before. Because of modern technology, I prepared a school of illumination within this House to show you the highlighted steps to follow after me, which are the esoteric teachings that were hidden until now. These teachings show you how to become, how to be perfect, how to enter my Father's rest, how to be saved, and how to have everlasting life, etc. This means not all of you will understand this message, for it was not meant for all of you, but for my disciples alone!

    Expansion: In today’s world, technology has opened new avenues for spiritual education and enlightenment. This “school of illumination” symbolizes the accessibility of divine knowledge through modern means, allowing those who are truly committed to the spiritual path to gain deeper insights into the mysteries of the Kingdom. These esoteric teachings—once hidden and reserved for the initiated—are now being revealed to guide sincere seekers toward spiritual perfection, salvation, and eternal life. However, this knowledge is not for everyone. It is tailored specifically for those who are ready and willing to embrace the full demands of discipleship. The message is exclusive in its depth and transformative power, meant only for those who have dedicated themselves to understanding and living out these divine truths.

  5. For the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven are given unto them and not the world, for my Kingdom is not of this world. Nothing is like my Kingdom, for my Kingdom was given to me by my Heavenly Father, who alone is God. They who love the Father worship Him alone, for He alone is the God of Heaven, and there is none like Him, for He is the One above all!

    Expansion: The Kingdom of Heaven is a divine reality that stands in stark contrast to the world. It operates on principles that are foreign to worldly systems and values. These mysteries—profound truths about the nature of God, the purpose of creation, and the path to eternal life—are entrusted only to those who are part of this Kingdom. It’s a spiritual realm that transcends the physical, a Kingdom that belongs to God alone, given by the Heavenly Father to those who love and worship Him in truth. The uniqueness of God’s Kingdom lies in its purity, holiness, and absolute sovereignty, reflecting the character of the One who rules over it. Worship in this Kingdom is directed solely to the Creator, who is unparalleled in majesty and authority. In recognizing His supremacy, believers align themselves with the eternal purpose of the Kingdom of Heaven.

  6. In this House, you will find many rooms, and in each room, there is some form of entertainment. Some rooms feature secular music, while others offer Christian music.

    Expansion: In this House, you will find many rooms, each offering a unique experience. In some rooms, there is entertainment designed to uplift and engage the spirit. You will encounter a variety of music—some secular and some Christian—each selected with intention. The secular music here is not chosen lightly; it is included because it resonates with certain truths and emotions that reflect the human experience. Christian music, of course, is a direct expression of worship and devotion, guiding the heart and mind toward a deeper connection with the divine.

  7. You will also find videos—some educational and some purely for entertainment purposes. However, everything in this House has a purpose.

    Expansion: You will also find videos that serve different purposes. Some are educational, aiming to expand your knowledge and understanding, while others are purely for entertainment, offering rest and relaxation. However, everything in this House has a purpose. Even what seems like mere entertainment is intended to refresh the soul, to provide joy, and to bring you closer to a sense of peace and contentment.

  8. Oh yes, there are a lot of love songs, for God is love—the ultimate binding force between lovers. These love songs are not just about human affection; they are spiritual in nature, for God is a Spirit, and that Spirit is love. Every love song, whether secular or spiritual, carries with it a lesson, a message to the listener about the divine nature of love.

    Expansion: These songs are not just about romance; they are reflections of the deeper, spiritual connection that love fosters between individuals, teaching us about commitment, compassion, and the divine source of all true love.

  9. Remember I said: not everybody who calls me Lord, Lord shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who art in Heaven.

    Expansion: This statement highlights the profound truth that mere verbal acknowledgment or outward expressions of faith are not sufficient for entry into the Kingdom of Heaven. It emphasizes that genuine faith must be accompanied by obedience and alignment with the will of God. The phrase "calls me Lord, Lord" refers to those who profess a belief in Christ, but whose lives may not reflect the depth of that commitment. True discipleship goes beyond words; it requires action and a heart that seeks to fulfill the divine will.

    The "will of my Father" is not merely a set of rules or guidelines but the divine purpose and intention for humanity. It involves aligning one’s life with the values and teachings that reflect God's character—such as love, righteousness, compassion, and truth. God's will is that we live in a way that honors Him, seeking to manifest His kingdom on earth through our actions, relationships, and decisions. This includes loving our neighbors, seeking justice, showing mercy, and walking humbly with God. The fulfillment of God’s will is seen in a life transformed by the Holy Spirit, where the believer's actions consistently reflect the heart of God as revealed in the life and teachings of Jesus. To enter the Kingdom of Heaven, one must not only acknowledge Christ as Lord but also commit to living in accordance with this divine will, allowing it to shape every aspect of life.

    Furthermore, this passage serves as a warning against complacency or self-deception in spiritual matters. It challenges believers to examine the authenticity of their faith and to ensure that their devotion is not superficial. True acceptance into the Kingdom is reserved for those who genuinely seek to live in accordance with God’s will, demonstrating their faith through their deeds and the integrity of their lives.

  10. This House is the Home of my Heavenly Father here on Earth enabling those who hear my voice and believeth in me may enter and have eternal rest, but as it is written: So I sware in my wrath, They shall not enter into my rest.

    Expansion: This House represents more than a physical dwelling; it is a spiritual sanctuary that reflects the presence and authority of the Heavenly Father on Earth. It serves as a place where those who hear the voice of Christ and believe in Him can find refuge and eternal rest. The invitation to enter this House is an invitation to enter into a divine relationship and to partake in the peace and rest that God offers to His people. However, the reference to the scripture "So I sware in my wrath, They shall not enter into my rest" is a solemn reminder that entering into God’s rest is contingent upon faith and obedience. It serves as both a promise and a warning—only those who are faithful and obedient to God’s will shall enter this rest, while those who harden their hearts and turn away will be excluded from this divine promise. The House of the Heavenly Father is thus both a place of divine grace and a call to spiritual responsibility.


Warm regards,



"A sanctuary of boundless love,

where every heart finds its truest home."




                         IF YOU COULD ONLY BELIEVE!

                      Heb 4:11

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